Doctors orders; morning stretch!

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A few days ago me and my fiance finally graduated from med. School! Now we are in Thailand for some vacation before work kickstarts in February. So nice to get some laid back time with relaxed days at the beach, yoga and diving! So beachyoga definitly coming up! Just had to share this great morning stretch first that I totally forgot to post 🙂

In the morning my hamstrings are always so stiff and I feel so unflexy, kinda like a box:) Theese are some poses I try holding for a while (after my warmup rutin ofcourse) to give my back, hamstrings and hips a nice stretch!

1. Standing split can be a tough one so I usually start against a wall and push myself up with my arms, almost lifting myself up to make my tippytoes touch the floor.

2. When attempting non assisted standing split I start by lifting on leg while my other knee is bent. Then I bend over and when my head reaches my knee I straighten it. Then I just lean a little bit forward, balancing on my hands while I try to reach as high as possible with my upper leg!

3. This forward fold is superyummy for thoos hamstrings! To get further I put my hands together behind my legs and slowly pull my upperbody closer to my legs. One breath at a time!

4. The next step is to get your head past your legs! This is how far I get now, but there is still work to be done:)

Challenge yourself with some yoga warmup and stretching in the morning, promise it’s a great way for your body to start the day!

Love Dr. Hedin ❤