Mental challenge


Today I removed my bandages from my shoulder and got a good look of my injury. As you can see my shoulders are not really symmetrical anymore. That lump on my left shoulder is my collarbone sticking up because it is completely dislocated. It’s wierd because the rehab is going good, I’m already feeling more stable and strong but it looks kind of strange, don’t you think? My mental challenge for today is accepting my new apperence and that my shoulder may never look the same again. I’m focusing on that it feels better. I’m not in that much pain anymore and I feel stronger. That’s 1000 times more important to me and helps me ignore my vanity.

Have you ever had a tough injury? Anything help you get through it? I would ofcourse love any tip on rehab-wokout for dislocated shoulders too. Comment below and share your story with me!

View of the world upside down



Everything feels upside down!

Breaking my arm and shoulder has been one of the toughest challenges for me so far. However, in some magic way it happend at a point in my life when I feel more grounded and happy then ever. It almost feels like someone was preparing for this to happen, making the circumstances easier for me to cope with this injury. Life is good. It’s not what I planned, it’s totally upside down, but how fun would life be if you could decide every minute of it? I think we need obstacles to challenge ourselves to new ground and perspective. This is a part of my story and I love not knowing how it ends.