Warmup video – getting flexy!

Here you go warmup for previous post!

Starting by warming up my back sitting in lotus. Then I use the wall to stretch out back and shoulders. Over to warmup for wheel and in to wheelpose. After this stretching hips in different positions. Ends with mermaid and king pigeon pose.

Try to stay at least 5 breaths in every position. Take it easy, it’s about warming up so don’t force anything, stop where your limit is today. Do the warmup a few times and you will notice getting further for each time!

Good luck!

Flexy-bendy tips!

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Okej lets get flexy! Here are some tips on how to open your hips and back to be able to reach that foot with your hands.

Start by stretching your hips and warming up your back. Good pose for this is wheel. Warmup video coming up! Never force a backbend, just relax your neck move in to a pose when it does’nt hurt.

1. A good starting pose is Mermaid. (The last picture). Just lift your leg and place your foot against your arm. Connect your arms behind your head and feel the stretch.

2. Another tip is using a strap. Tie it around your foot and hold it with a distance to your hands that feel comfortable.

3. Next tip is using a wall to assist your leg. This way you can just relax your neck and try to reach your foot. It’s also a great hipstretch to get ready for the next step.

4. When you feel ready, try grabbing your foot with the opposite hand and move it towards your shoulder. Now grab both hands around your foot and turn your arms, elbows facing up. Relax your neck and feel your foot against your head. Video coming up!

Good luck yogis!

Remember to check my Instagram if you want more yoga ❤ @yogaripped